Some holy humor

I just love all those funny church memes. Who says Christians can’t have a sense of humor? Here are my “Top 10” favorites this week.

When I saw this meme, I could still hear my own mother holding forth with one of her many “Momisms.”

Talk about missing the boat …

Needless to say, I made sure my sweet hubs saw this:

For anyone who has ever had to mess with technology at church …

And while we’re on the subject of technology …

As someone who had to do a lot of academic research over the course of my career, I find this one seriously funny.

I’m getting to just about the right age to appreciate this one.

There’s gotta be at least one COVID-19 meme in every bunch these days. I have a pair of “Cat in the Hat” slippers that would be perfect for the occasion.

Here’s one of my all-time favorites.

And another favorite … LOL!

7 thoughts on “Some holy humor

  1. LOVE these! I remember the last one from a line of greeting cards, “Inherit the Mirth.” I discovered them in the book shop at a Christian college. I stood there reading them and howling with laughter, while my daughter stood on the other side of the store and pretended not to know me… :/

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